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Ladies Don’t Lose Yourself

Where shall I begin? Oh I know… with all the women having babies and feeling tied down to motherhood & wifely duties.Today was Superbowl Sunday!!! (Gooooo Eagles ) I had the pleasure of sitting amongst wives while our men watched the game. And we watched the kids lmao.Everyone one of us was different but one thing we had in common was the period of Losing ourselves. ( and listening to pretty ricky lol )I’m knocking on 30 and I’ll be damn if I look like my name is Sheila before I turn 30 years old. NO offense to anyone named Sheila…(its just not a sexy name)   Read more here.

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My definition of a GLO– a heavenly presence that is seen and felt when others are around you. Your skin appears to  radiant , your smile is beyond charming and your attitude is worth catching. (Yassssss to my GLO) Read more at here.

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